Hi, I’m Kate Moon, founder of FLOW STATE Wellness Studio

Being in F L O W isn’t just something I believe we should strive for on our yoga mat, it’s something I believe we should strive for off the mat as well. To me, that means being and existing in full alignment and expression of our truest selves. To find ways to be joyously immersed in our way of living to a point where our bodies and our minds move in natural fluidity. When we are completely in flow, our senses become beautifully heightened and we are able to move forward, perfectly imperfect, with effortless momentum.

Sounds amazing right? That’s the goal.

Throughout my years of teaching and educating myself in yoga, I have come to know the deepest parts of myself and this process of being in flow. It’s not always easy, but it is always worth it. At FSWS, we aim to create an environment and community where being in flow can be taught, learned, received, and celebrated.

We have something for EVERYBODY. Learn to flow, breathe, be in stillness, and in peace in your mind and heart.

  • “Loved this class so much - FLOW STATE. It was grounding, challenging, and created the most beautiful and expressive moving meditation. Just what I needed (and almost always need).”

    -Sarah J

  • “Such a fun funky flow. Truly one of a kind. I was pushed mentally and physically…unlike anything else offered in a different yoga studio in CHS.”

    Brittany R

  • “Classes with Kate are always amazing. Her funkiness always keeps my guessing and challenges me in new ways. I also love that she allows enough time to slow down and relax at the end of each class. Highly recommend if you haven’t tried one yet.”

    Anna H

  • "A beautiful space, creative and challenging yoga sequencing, and wonderful instructors. The environment here feels welcoming regardless of your skill level. Sometimes I go to sweat and sometimes I need the zen, and often you can have both. Love having the studio here in Charleston!"

    Lucy L

  • "Wonderful way to kick off a Sunday. My first time flowing with Kelsey. Loved the fluidity of the class, and Kelsey’s message was exactly what I needed to hear today :)"

    Michelle H